NFT Marketplace

Blockchain Technology Development

⚡ Project Overview

What is a brief overview of the project?

An integrated online marketplace to exclusively help individuals/organizations create/buy/sell and trade science and technology non-fungible tokens(NFTs).

Key highlights:
✓ Integrated with RMDS Lab's existing social network platform, GRMDS
✓ NFTs created on RMDS NFT can be sold on mainstream platforms such as Opensea
✓ Members can turn 35+ unique file types into NFTs
✓ Members can turn 35+ unique file types into NFTs
✓ Built to support multi-blockchain

What was the goal of the project, and what problem did it aim to solve?

We set out to empower the scientific community to receive funding and establish intellectual property ownership.We launched the first non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace exclusively for science and technology intellectual property(IPs) in March 2022. The marketplace integrates with RMDS Lab's global ecosystem connecting innovators with related investors, collectors, and science lovers.

What was my role in the project?

UI/UX web developer & Team manager

Key responsibilities:
★ Create high-quality UI mockups and documentation ★ Plan workflow and develop maintenance tools ★ Lead weekly sprint meetings, coordinated in 3+ time zones ★ Code testing and reviews ★ Utilize user feedback and google analytics to enhance functionality ★ Deliver product demos to coworkers, partners, and clients

⚡ Technical Stack

⚡ Challenges Faced

Overall, successfully launching an innovative NFT marketplace for science and technology intellectual property involved overcoming a range of technical, logistical, and strategic challenges. Below, is a breif description of some of the challeges involoving technical integration, cross-blockchain compatibility and gloabl coordination.

Technical Integration:

Integrating the NFT marketplace with RMDS Lab's existing social network platform (GRMDS) presented a significant technical challenge. Ensuring seamless communication between the two systems while maintaining data integrity was complex.

Cross-Blockchain Compatibility:

Building support for multi-blockchain functionality required a deep understanding of blockchain technology. Ensuring compatibility with various blockchain networks added complexity to the development process. File Type Conversion: Enabling users to turn 35+ unique file types into NFTs was a complex task. Handling the conversion process efficiently and securely, while maintaining data consistency, was a constant challenge.

Global Coordination

Coordinating a development team spread across multiple time zones for weekly sprint meetings and collaboration added logistical complexity to project management.

⚡ Decision-Making and Problem Solving

What key decision(s) were made during the project's development?

Blockchain Selection: Choosing which blockchain(s) to support in the marketplace was a fundamental decision. This would impact factors like transaction speed, security, and the types of NFTs that could be created.

During the project's development, one key decision we made was selecting the appropriate blockchain technology to support multi-blockchain functionality for our science and technology NFT marketplace. To evaluate different options, we conducted extensive research and assessments of various blockchains, considering factors such as scalability, security, transaction costs, and existing developer support. After careful analysis, we decided to build custom smart contracts for Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon due to their established ecosystems and compatibility with popular NFT marketplaces like Opensea. This decision greatly enhanced our marketplace's versatility and accessibility, allowing members to create and trade NFTs across multiple blockchains seamlessly. It also attracted a more diverse user base and contributed significantly to the project's overall success.

Integration Approach: Deciding on the integration approach with RMDS Lab's existing platform (GRMDS). This includes whether to use APIs, data sharing protocols, or build custom connectors.

During the project's development, a crucial decision we had to make was the choice of hosting infrastructure for our NFT marketplace. We needed a robust and scalable solution to ensure uninterrupted service as the platform's user base grew. To evaluate our options, we conducted a detailed cost-benefit analysis comparing cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. After considering factors such as pricing, data center locations, and available services, we opted for AWS due to its global reach and extensive set of tools tailored for web applications. This decision enabled us to efficiently manage server resources, implement load balancing, and ensure high availability. As a result, our marketplace experienced minimal downtime, even during peak usage, and provided a seamless experience for our users. This choice of infrastructure played a pivotal role in the project's overall success and scalability.

⚡ Project Outcome and Learning


Link to Project

Source Code

☝ Project Feedback

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